conventional surveying services
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Boundary Survey
A boundary survey is a surveyors opinion as to the location of your parcel line(s). Using the description of land title conveyed (via a deed) and other relevant research documents (such as old survey information) combined with field evidence, a surveyor processes this information to come to a solution as to where a boundary line is located. Typically, a boundary survey drawing / report is issued which is documentation that a survey was completed and indicating: what was found, possible encroachments to the boundary lines, bearings and distances of the lines, area of the parcel and more. There are many factors that influence the cost of a survey. Some of these factors could include: ease of access to the parcel, tree cover, rural or urban, if it's a lot in a subdivision or unplatted land, etc. Just remember when it comes to pricing of a survey, less cost likely means less time & effort to render this opinion.
NSPS / ALTA Survey
An ALTA Land Survey guarantees to meet the requirements for an ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey as detailed by the American Land Title Association, National Society of Professional Surveyors and the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping. These are typically needed to remove the "survey clause" of title insurance and generally conducted for commercial property closings.
Topographic survey
A map/model of the features on a given site. Takes into account the location and elevations of the features to produce a model showing the vertical reliefs (contour lines) on the site. Some examples of features are: buildings, roads, drives, trees, spot elevations, rivers/streams, etc... The price of the topographic survey depends on the detail and amount of features the client desires and are typically needed for site / road design or volume calculations.